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Lesson Book Two

Three Thematic Units  are included in this book:
Baby Jesus/ Boy Jesus / Noah's Ark

Thematic Unit: Baby Jesus
Theme:God sent his son, Baby Jesus, to live on earth.

Scripture: Matthew 1 and 2; Luke 1 and 2.

Lesson Aim
 To teach Bible facts about the birth of Jesus by involving the total child.
Outline of Baby Jesus Theme in the Curriculum Book:

Worship time
The Angel and Mary
Going to Bethlehem 
Jesus is born
Animal mini units
Shepherds and Angels
Wise men see the star
Wise men and their camels
Wise men bring gifts

(Many supplemental materials are available to enrich this theme on our website)
Second Thematic Unit: Jesus as a Boy

Outline of Boy Jesus Theme in the Curriculum Book:

Baby Jesus Visits the Temple
( Luke 2: 21-40 ) 

The Flight into Egypt
(Matthew 2: 13-23)

At Home in Nazareth 

Lost in the Temple
(Luke 2:41-52)

Third Thematic unit
Noah and the Ark
Theme : 
God took care of Noah and the animals inside the ark.
God takes care of us.
Genesis 6-9
Lesson aim: 
To teach Bible facts about the story of Noah and the Ark and help the children feel that God will take care of us.
 Outline of Noah and the Ark 
Theme in the Curriculum Book:

 Noah Builds an Ark
Noah Puts the Animala into the Ark
God Sends the Rain
Noah and the Animals Come out of the Ark
God Sends the Rainbow

Baby Jesus/Little Boy Jesus/ Noah's Ark Curriculum Book

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