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Early Childhood Curriculums
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Baby, Toddler and Preschool Bible Curriculum


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Welcome to Early Childhood Curriculums in Plano,Texas.
Early Childhood Curriculums is a company that specializes in Curriculum
and Educational aids for birth - six years. We are a perfect fit for Bible classes, preschool,day cares, and home schools. Come! Enjoy this adventure
in teaching with us. We make it easy! We make it fun! We make it work!
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phone: 800-658-9247
4" Mini Nativity Stuffed
Swaddled Baby Jesus doll for 12
Dear Friends,
This is a plush doll from Oriental Trading that I have used for many years. I usually cut off the tags and use them as manipulatives with my Baby Jesus Lesson for both the baby and toddler curriculum.
I love to use the doll as we sing and "rock" our Baby Jesus dolls. I like to send a doll home with each child after we conclude the unit ( not just during the holiday season but at anytime during the year).
The children are delighted to have their own doll to play with at home.
I have also washed them on gentle in a lingerie bag and let them air dry.
In addition, I have heard of teachers using them for a Baby Moses doll.
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